Things To Know About Gum (Periodontal) Disease

Warning signs of gum (periodontal) disease include red, puffy, and bleeding gums, especially after brushing your teeth. Despite diligent oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing, many individuals still have problems with their gums. Maintaining your smile requires an examination and prompt treatment from your dentist. Browse your internet to know about gum treatment cost singapore.

What are the causes of periodontal disease?

Toxins produced by oral bacteria may irritate the gum tissue, leading to possible gum recession. Plaque is a layer of germs that accumulates on teeth when it isn’t removed regularly by brushing. Tartar is a hardened type of plaque that can only be removed by a dentist or hygienist.

Furthermore, the notion suggesting gum disease has a hereditary component has gained traction in recent years. Many people’s immune systems overreact to periodontal disease-causing bacteria.

When does an infected gum first show up?

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Possible side effects include:

  • Putrid breath that won’t go away, no matter how often you clean your teeth.
  • Tender, swollen, or bleeding gums.
  • Discomfort in the teeth and gnawing that doesn’t go away.
  • teeth that are too loose to hold in place.
  • Sensitivity in the teeth.
  • Teeth that seem abnormally long because of receding gums.

How do you cure receding gums?

A receding gum line is irreversible. This implies that once gum recession occurs, it cannot heal. Yet you can prevent the situation from worsening worse.

When treating gum disease, it is important to first determine what is causing it. Check with your dental professional to see whether your brushing technique or lack of flossing is to blame. Plaque may potentially work its way between teeth, but using an anti-plaque mouth rinse once a day can assist. To clean your teeth, you may use a dental pick or similar interdental cleaner.

Pockets surrounding the afflicted region are a breeding ground for germs if you have even a minor gum recession. In the presence of preexisting gum disease, a new case of gum disease may present itself more rapidly. Yet, minor receding gums are not always indicative of a higher risk of gum disease.

Cleaning and roots paring are extensive cleaning procedures that may be necessary on occasion if you’re treating gum shrinkage. Cleaning and root planing is a dental procedure in which tartar & plaque are removed from the tooth’s exterior and the root.

Gum grafting is a treatment used to replace gum tissue lost due to severe gum recession. Periodontal grafting is a technique used to restore missing gum tissue around a tooth by using gum tissue from another location of the mouth. Once the wound has healed, the revealed tooth root may be covered and the tooth’s appearance normalized.