A silk bathrobe is a luxurious and sensual item of clothing that can make any woman feel confident and beautiful. However, there are certain things that you should never say while wearing a silk bathrobe, as they can ruin the mood and make you look foolish.
- Just threw this on
While a silk bathrobe can make you look effortlessly chic, saying that you “just threw it on” implies that you don’t care about your appearance, which is not the message you want to send.
- Don’t usually wear robes
If you’re wearing a silk bathrobe, it’s because you want to feel glamorous and sexy, so don’t spoil the mood by saying that you don’t usually wear robes. It makes you sound like you’re not comfortable with your sexuality.
- Feel so fat in this
A silk bathrobe is designed to make you look and feel beautiful, so if you say that you feel fat in it, you’re only going to make yourself feel bad. Embrace your curves and enjoy the way the robe makes you look.
- This is so expensive
While it’s true that silk bathrobes can be quite pricey, there’s no need to draw attention to the fact. If you say that the robe is expensive, you’ll just end up looking like you’re bragging.
- Hope I don’t spill anything on this
Spilling something on a silk bathrobe is always a possibility, but there’s no need to voice your concerns out loud. It will only make you look clumsy and uncoordinated.
- Feel so exposed in this
A silk bathrobe can make you feel sensual and sexy, but if you say that you feel exposed, it will only make you sound insecure. Embrace your body and enjoy the way the robe makes you feel.
- Hope nobody sees me in this
If you’re wearing a silk bathrobe in public, it’s because you want to be seen. Hoping that nobody sees you defeat the purpose.
- Don’t know how to tie this
If you’re having trouble tying your silk bathrobe, it’s best to ask for help or simply leave it untied. There’s no need to draw attention to the fact that you don’t know how to do it.
- This is so uncomfortable
Silk bathrobes can be quite comfortable, so if you say that yours is uncomfortable, you’re only going to make yourself feel uncomfortable.
- Feel like such a fool in this
A silk bathrobe is a sign of confidence and sophistication, so if you say that you feel like a fool in it, you’re only going to make yourself look foolish.